Sunday, August 11, 2013

What's the rush?

So one of the dates that doesn't go by without at least a little thought is the day we were suppose to be born (August 6th, 2011)! Not the day we were born, but 3 months later when we would have been full term if we had stayed put! Looking back on the last two years we have had many ups and downs and challenges, but to be honest with you, even though we were born 3 months early we wouldn't really change a  thing! If we had waited to be full term we would have missed out on some things. Some of the things we would have missed out on are meeting everlasting friends in the NICU, making a difference in the lives of other NICU babies by providing hope! This past year we participated in 2 projects for the brand new NICU that opened this year at the UW! Our greatest blessing being born premature is the  3 extra months where Mommy and Daddy can literally say they watched three MIRACLES being created right before their eyes! When we were born at 28 weeks gestation we couldn't wait to see the world and all it had to offer us! It was time to hurry up! By the time our whole first year had gone by it was a blur! We were busy all the time! We couldn't stop for a moment! We didn't want to miss anything! We were reaching our milestones on a great pace!  Now, developmentally we are right on track with our adjusted age of 24 months (we are really 27 months) which is just fine with us (we'll blog about that in a future post very soon!!) Our 2nd year thus far has been much the same! Go, go, go! This past year we wanted every adventure we could find! This coming year is a little different!

 We are in no hurry to grow up, after all we're just kids right? What's the rush? So we've decided this year our theme is going to be "What's the rush?". We are going to take time to stop and smell the roses. We will take time to stomp in puddles! We are going to take time to play at the park! We are going to take time to catch falling snow on our tongue!

So to kick off our new year of life as gestational 2 year olds! (based on due date).  We went on our first official playdate! We gathered our Mommy, Daddy and Nanny and some snacks and headed to the park to meet up with some 2 and a half year old twin girls!  We met at a great park called "Decatur Woods Park!" We loved the park! We could climb, slide and even teeter totter with Mommy! Our Nanny even took us on a walk down the path and back! Daddy caught us many times on the slide and even helped us climb up some of the bigger toys! We had a blast meeting these sweet twin girls and playing! We can't wait to go again! It was a time we could just slow down from our busy daily lives and just enjoy playing and exploring!

Will you help us celebrate our due date and all our success this past two years by having yourself a "What's the rush" moment? What will you do? Will it be a slow start morning with cup of coffee watching the sunrise? Will it be sitting by the fire and reading a book? Will you snuggle a child and read to them or tell them a story and answer all their burning questions for the day? Take time to think about the miracle that you are and remember each of us is created for a purpose!

In staying true to "What's the rush?" this post is 5 days later than we had planned!

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