Friday, July 26, 2013


So, we mentioned last week that we were going camping and we asked our friends for all the tips we could get from their experience camping with toddlers! Many of you came through with great tips for camping, but nothing could really truly prepare the Pitkin 5 for this epic experience! 

The morning of our trip we got all ready to go and Grammy came and dropped off the delicious Macaroni Salad she offered to make with Boppa's Famous Hot smoked salmon and cheese! It was fun to see her before we were off on our big adventure and get hugs for the road.

When we arrived at our camping destination we were greeted by tons of family! They were all excited to see us since they hadn't seen us in such a long time! We've grown a lot since the last time we saw them and now we're all walking and talking! We had fun showing off all our new skills! We found lots of rocks to lift and talk about and we enjoyed romping around in the dirt and grass! We also found a fun game of throw the beanbag in the hole! Daddy went to set up the tent while Mommy, Grandma P and Grandpa P got us all settled to have a little bite to eat! There was tons of great food to try out, but our favorite proved to be Watermelon and the Mac salad that Grammy had brought us that morning! 

After we ate our dinner we decided to explore a little more. This place we were visiting was Daddy's cousin's house.  We romped inside, outside, upstairs, downstairs and all around! While we were romping we discovered Super Soakers! Luckily the ones we found didn't work very well and nobody showed us how to squirt each other either! We loved how it was a house set in the trees! It was a beautiful place to visit, romp and play!

When we were getting tired of romping Mommy suggested to Daddy that we find our tent soon! We gathered our belongings and headed for our tent. When we got to the tent we decided to check out all the fun wilderness around it.  Mommy, Dadddy, Grandma and Grandpa P all helped us get in our night outfits and then we said our good byes to Grandma and Grandpa. Mommy and Daddy gathered us all in the tent and started helping us to relax for sleep. That's when all the excitement began!

We had a difficult time falling asleep because there was just so much to see and take in and we couldn't settle down. Mommy tried playing music on her phone for us like the I-pod does in our room at home.  She tried reading us bedtime stories too. All of that was great and we were starting to get sleepy.   Finally, Mommy and Daddy thought they had won and we were all asleep! Unfortunately, the tent was also very hot.  Mommy and Daddy decided to try taking off our heavy PJ's for something a little lighter weight. That helped a little and we were soon working toward going back to sleep, but as we cooled down our music disappeared because Mommy's cell phone was out of battery power! Mommy and Daddy had a hard time getting comfortable because they forgot their pillows at home too! We got increasingly sad about no music and it was still hot in our tent, although cooler without our big heavy PJ's. As it got dark and there was no music and we were hot we got cranky! Have you ever been in a very small tent with 3 small cranky toddlers? Well you can see where this is going? 

No matter what Mommy and Daddy tried we were cranky, we were hot, we were tired and nobody was having fun! So at 11:30 after trying to get us to sleep for 3 hours, Mommy told Daddy she was ready to call it quits and go home! We think Daddy would have stuck it out with us because he thought we'd eventually be asleep, but Daddy was good to Mommy and he listened. He packed up the whole campsite (minus the elmo plates we forgot, and will get back soon!) and he drove us home! 

So next time Mommy said she'll pack a few more things for us to make our trip a little more comfortable and make sure we are successful! Here's a little list of the things we needed that we didn't have this time!

  • A flashlight
  • Music that will play all night (Mommy has an idea up her sleeve for this)
  •  A Blanket for the bottom of the tent
  • More books to read and activities to do inside the tent before dark
  • The bigger tent
  • A pillow for Mommy and Daddy
  • And most of all Mommy needed to pack just a little more patience for the experience
Better Luck next time!

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