Sunday, February 17, 2013

21 months: Freedom

Can you believe we are 21 months already? Where has the time gone? In just 3 short months we will be turning 2 years old and Mommy and Daddy can hardly believe it themselves! It seems like just yesterday Mommy was on bed rest in the hospital trying to keep us in as long as possible to help us grow! She still can recall so much of that time! How could it be so long ago?

So for our 21 month celebration Mommy and Daddy decided to do something BIG for us! We have been let out of Toddler town and given some extra freedom around the house! Mommy and Daddy have moved the gates so we now have freedom around the living room and kitchen! We love being able to have more room to move, run and explore! We also now get to play with our dog a little more.  Harley is a little nervous about us sometimes, so we have to give her breaks from time to time, but we love having her around!

We have grown so much this past month! Our language development has really taken off and we really enjoy talking to people who come to visit.  We also have discovered how great it is to talk to each other! We really love each other! It is fun to be triplets! Katelynn is the biggest talker of the three of us. She used her first full sentence this week! She loves to say "I see you"! She of course has said "Waffle" and also "hot chim chim"! Melissa is great at saying "more", "hi", "mom", "up", "cup", "juice", "crack" for cracker, and "cheese".  Ethan is our not so talkative guy! He does like to say "tickle" and tickle his own belly. It's pretty cute and funny! He also loves to giggle and say "bed" to the dog! And his best this month was "sa, sit" when Melissa was standing on the toy car!  We are all saying "no" and "uh oh"! We are even beginning to recognize, name and point to body parts such as nose, eyes, ears, mouth, head, hair and toes!

Another fun thing we've been attempting at mealtimes is using spoons and forks to feed ourselves! We get sooooo messy, but it is so fun to try new skills on our own! Sometimes Mommy and Daddy even give us a bowl of food on our tray instead of just the spoon with food on it! That's only when we have time to have a bath right after meals! Eventually we'll get better at it, so we can have bowls and spoons on a regular basis without needing a bath every time!

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