Friday, August 24, 2012

Flashback Friday: Transport

So we've left the comfort of the NICU where we have spent the majority of our journey.  Katelynn and Ethan are home, while Melissa will spend the last of her journey in an unfamiliar and scary place.  We'll let Melissa tell this story. This flashback took place a year ago this week.

Car seat test 8/22/11
Last night I got to have my carseat test with my favorite nurse! I passed with flying colors, just a little dip in my breathing, but I recovered on my own! I can only have 1 or 2 episodes or it's a fail. I only had 1 so I made it through! Besides, the nurse says it was so minor it might have just been the monitor anyway.  "Maybe I get to go home", I thought to myself. That night Mommy came to watch me take the test and visit with her nurse friend for the last time.  She gathered all of my belongings, but she also took my carseat.  What does that mean? I wondered.  How will I get home if she has the carseat and I'm not in it? After mommy left with the car seat something else happened that didn't seem right to me.  My nurse put my NG tube back in, even though I had been eating bottles so well! I was confused and sad and it didn't feel good, so I spit up a lot that night, but the nutritionist says it must be so! As much as I don't like it, hopefully I won't need it for much longer and we won't have to worry so much. I know someday I'll figure out how to eat everything and keep it down!

 Mommy whispered to me the night before transport that it's going to be ok. I am being transported to a new hospital called Children's in the morning. Mommy has spent time at Children's Hospital before. She knows they will take good care of me there as they took care of her when she was there. I am still afraid and confused.  Why do I need to go somewhere else? I'd rather stay where I am! I love my NICU family.  A year ago yesterday  I was transported by ambulance to my new home for awhile. The morning of the transport was a busy morning.  A lot of my nurse friends were bustling around the NICU.  You see, my nurse friend wanted to go with me to my new home so I wouldn't be so scared.  That meant the NICU had to find nurses to cover my NICU baby friends. 

When I was loaded into the ambulance with my best nurse friend, she comforted me and talked to me.  She even tried to make me smile.  She noticed me looking at the guy riding with us! She even told Mommy and Daddy I stared at him the whole way! My nurse friend said he seemed to stare at me too. I think he really liked me and thought I was a cute baby :) Afterall, I am the princess and I am adorable.  When we got to the new hospital my nurse friend got me all settled into my room.  I could tell she was sad to leave me there all by myself.  We've become more than friends. She's like family to me.  I will miss her a lot, but maybe I'll get to see her again.

Resting at Childrens 8/23/11
Soon after I was settled into my room at Children's and my nurse friend had said goodbye, my Mommy and Daddy came to see me! This made me feel a lot better even though I'm very nervous about all of this.  Mommy and Daddy held me for awhile then it was time for me to eat.  The nurse brought down my bottle and I ate like such a big girl.  About 20 minutes later I spit up everything! This wasn't very good. I got very sad.  After getting cleaned up, the nurse came in. She gave me my feed through the NG tube that had been put back in my nose.  I managed to keep some of this down, but still spit up a little bit.  A little while went by and an unfamiliar face came in the room. I don't remember her name, but she had a strange stethoscope and she wanted to watch me eat and listen to me swallow.  I did the best I could, but she wasn't very happy with the way things sounded or how I looked when I ate, so she told Mommy and Daddy I was no longer allowed to have my bottle :( This made everyone very sad.  This wasn't in the plan! I like being a big girl and drinking from my bottles! Now, not only was I in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people (except Mommy and Daddy), but these people didn't like the way I did things and wanted to change the way I eat! And to top it off, I'm supposed to have surgery soon! This isn't fair! This lady that came to visit me, showed my Mommy and Daddy how to feed me with something called a binky trainer.  It's a pacifier with a tube attached to a syringe and I have to suck the pacifier to get milk out.  It's a lot of work and I don't care for it! She says it's the only way to take food orally right now, so I must do it.  I looked up at Mommy and Daddy to reassure them I would do my best and give this a try! I know I can do this and I'll be home soon!

My how fast a year goes!  It has been a year since my first ride in an ambulance.  I can't believe it has been a year since the day I was transported, scared and lonely. It has been a year since the NG was placed for the final time in the NICU and feeding really became a focus of concern.  There is more to this story for another day...check back for another edition of flashback Friday to get the rest of the story! Have a great weekend! Be safe and be blessed!

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