Trio at their 15 month check up |
Yesterday the trio had their 15 month check up with the pediatrician. While it was mostly good news, we still have a lot of catching up to do! Let's have Ethan tell the story tonight! He's got some exciting things to share!
I am on the chart for head size! My head is in the 50th percentile and I'm finally on the chart (barely) for length to weight ratio. My sister Melissa has some good news too! Melissa had a major growth spurt for length! Her high calorie diet is paying off! Her head was in the 20th percentile so she is doing quite well for such a rough beginning! The doctor, however, is still concerned about her weight and also about her hips. She will be talking to our Occupational Therapist about her hips and she will need to continue to work on that as well as feeding therapy. Katelynn got a bit of a discouraging report this go around. She is making her own growth chart basically and not really catching up. Katelynn had a plateau this time in length and her weight wasn't up to par either. You know Katelynn, she likes to be individual and independent! You can't put that girl in a box! She will also be getting help at feeding therapy with the OT. I get to participate in feeding therapy for fun, just to try new things, but as you can see I'm a perfectly chubby baby (still small for actual age and a little small for adjusted age, but growing!) If everyone could say a few extra prayers for my sisters to grow, we'd really appreciate it! We want a good report next time!
Melissa watching Ethan admire the baby in the mirror |
This round the trio got 4 pokes, 2 in each leg! It was no fun! I cried pretty loud, but I'm brave! Katelynn cried the longest and she is gonna hold a grudge, I can tell! I think she was giving the doctor and nurse the "stink eye" as we were leaving! The doctor and nurse definitely didn't make any friends this trip! This morning I (Ethan) spiked a fever and Mommy and Daddy got worried so they called the doctor. They told them to give me some baby fever reducer, make sure I'm nice and cool and even wet down my hair. I'm not too crazy about that idea, but I don't like feeling icky either. I hope tomorrow I feel better! We had Occupational Therapy this morning, I think that was too much for me after a rough day yesterday. I don't like shots and I often have night terrors for a few nights after I see the doctor. This makes everyone in the house tired :( It's no fun. I hope I can sleep better tonight so that Mommy and Daddy can sleep too! Oh, look at the time! It's already past my bedtime! Signing off for now! Sweet Dreams!
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing!
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