Friday, November 16, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 17

So today is the day that we've all been anticipating!  For the past days we have been working on a special blog post for Prematurity Awareness.  We are also using this post as our 30 days of Thankfulness because we truly have so much to be thankful for on this day! With 3 "healthy" babies who have come from 1 lb 15oz , 1 lb 13oz and 2 lb 1oz, we feel especially blessed! When the trio was born, our family plunged into a world of "What if's".  Through it all we were able to find JOY in the Journey because so many people supported us.

We so appreciate our family, friends and community that have surrounded us these past 18+ months, but we feel especially thankful today for the gift of the community we found. When our babies were thrust into a battle that no baby should have to endure, we found a community of parents who were experiencing this same "roller coaster"!  From the moment they were born, they were wisked away and hooked to wires and machines and placed in isolettes, where they lived for more than 100 days, fighting for their tiny lives.  

 Preemies are tiny but mighty little warriors! It is because of our little warriors that we have met many people from all corners of the world! Some we have met in person and others only virtually, yet we have been blessed by each encounter! Each little creation that we have watched grow along side of us, has been a blessing and gift to our journey.  We have shared trials and triumphs along the way! So today, we are thankful for our preemie family community!

It was through the community of preemie families we met along the journey that we found peace, comfort and support!  We truly appreciate who you are in our lives.  We hope you will enjoy what we have put together for you and hope that you will feel as blessed as we have on our journey!


  1. Love it!! Thanks for including us :)

  2. No tips sorry! Tried posting to facebook alone but it won't let me because I used music!
