Sunday, July 29, 2012

A trio on the move! (Thanks to our visits to OT!)

As many of you know, being 3 months premature has come with it's fair share of challenges. We spent many long days in the NICU learning to breathe, eat and grow! One of the challenges we also faced was our ability to move the way normal full term babies do! All 3 of us underwent an occupational therapy evaluation in the NICU.

While in the NICU, staff discovered the sisters (Katelynn and Melissa) both seemed to have a head turning preference to one side (1 to the right and the other to the left!) The nurses immediately started working with us (the girls) on turning our heads both ways. This meant laying us facing both directions in our isolettes and feeding us sideline both directions. With much patience and persistence this helped us learn to look to both sides.

Doctors were still concerned enough to refer me (Katelynn) to outpatient therapy, which I went to every week by myself, until my sister came home! Once everyone was home, we all started going to OT (Occupational Therapy). For awhile my sister and brother would just watch me play and do my moving exercises with the therapist, but a few months ago my doctor decided we all could benefit from OT. We now see our therapist twice a month. We do a lot of fun movement activities and we even get to practice eating and drinking! Here are some pictures of our fun sessions! Look at all the fun things we can do!
Katelynn learning to reach with
both hands

Melissa trying out the honey bear
sippy cup contraption
Katelynn is unsure about rocking on her hands
and knees to learn to crawl on all 4!

All 3 are learning to crawl at OT!

 Now that we've been going to OT for a few months together, we can do many more activities! We enjoy cruising, crawling, walking assisted, drinking from sippy cups and we are starting to clap and even climb a little! Watch out parents, let the fun begin! The Pitkin Trio is on the move!

1 comment:

  1. That's wonderful! My mom did OT and PT (both in- and outpatient) after her stroke. She improved greatly. The triplets will be advanced in no time.
